Guide to Habit Stacking with 15 real life examples

Building new habits is hard. Whether it’s trying to exercise regularly, read more books, or simply remember to drink enough water, forming new habits can seem like a daunting task. But there’s a simple technique you should know that can help you conquer your goals with ease: habit stacking.

What is Habit Stacking?

Habit stacking is a productivity hack that involves piggybacking new habits onto existing ones. It’s like creating a chain reaction of positive behaviors in your daily routine. The concept was first introduced by BJ Fogg, a behavior scientist at Stanford University. He recognized that by attaching new habits to actions you already do without much thought, you can make positive changes with minimal effort.

Guide to Habit Stacking

James Clear, author of the bestselling book “Atomic Habits,” further popularized the idea of habit stacking. He emphasizes the importance of making small, incremental changes that compound over time to create remarkable results. Clear’s work has resonated with millions worldwide, making habit stacking a go-to strategy for personal development.

How Does it Work?

Imagine you’re already in the habit of brushing your teeth every morning. Now, you want to start stretching to improve your flexibility. Instead of trying to remember to stretch at some random time during the day, you decide to stack it onto your existing habit. So, after you brush your teeth, you spend just five minutes doing a few simple stretches. Over time, this small addition becomes automatic, and you’ve effortlessly incorporated stretching into your daily routine.

Benefits of Habit Stacking:

Habit stacking offers several benefits,

  1. Efficiency: By attaching new habits to existing ones, you save time and mental energy trying to remember to do them separately,
  2. Consistency: It helps you establish a consistent routine, which is key to long-term success.
  3. Builds Momentum: Each small success builds momentum and confidence, making it easier to tackle bigger goals.
  4. Creates Positive Associations: By pairing new habits with enjoyable activities, you create positive associations that make them more enjoyable and sustainable.

15 Real Life Examples of Habit Stacking

Here are 15 real-life examples of habit stacking that you can easily include in your daily routine. They are very simple, so you’ll likely want to implement some right away.

  1. After brushing your teeth at night, floss.
  2. While waiting for your coffee to brew, do a quick stretch.
  3. After your morning shower, make your bed.
  4. Before checking your email, write down three things you’re grateful for.
  5. After your lunch break, take a short walk around the block
  6. Before going to bed, lay out your clothes for the next day.
  7. After turning off your morning alarm, take three deep breaths to activate your body.
  8. After logging into your computer, meditate for five minutes.
  9. Before eating lunch, review your goals for the day.
  10. While commuting to your work or back home , listen to a podcast or audiobook.
  11. Before going to sleep, read a book for 15 minutes.
  12. After arriving home from work, spend 10 minutes decluttering one area of your home.
  13. Before starting work, review your schedule for the day.
  14. After pouring a cup of tea, write down one thing you want to accomplish in the day.
  15. After finishing a TV episode, do five minutes of stretching.


In a world full of distractions and competing priorities, mastering your routine is essential for success. Habit stacking offers a simple yet powerful strategy to build positive habits and achieve goals. So, tart stacking those habits and watch your life transform one small step at a time!

If you like this post and your interested in developing healthy habits, I encourage to read my post to doing it the right way. You can read it here: Setting Goals – 10 awesome benefits of doing just that!

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